
Lifting foundation and strengthening of the bases in case of subsidence

Repairs that do not cause "headaches" and additional work afterwards

When do I need to figure it out and find a solution? Keys to typical problems

          Understanding what is happening in the ground under a building or other structure, including the type of foundation on which it is built, can be the key to determining the cause of subsidence and possible solutions. This is especially important for private, commercial and municipal owners in areas where the ground is known to be unstable. Homes built on loose soil, old landfills, sand, and deep clay can be particularly affected by seasonal or extreme weather conditions, droughts, and floods. Historical mining activity can also affect properties in certain areas.

         Structural problems often arise due to different levels of humidity in the clay base, layers of which can shrink or crack and shift in hot weather, and then expand in wetter or colder seasons. Other problems can occur due to tree roots, removing moisture from the soil or penetrating the pipe while the creation of underground leaks. As an example, poor drainage under a concrete slab was identified as the likely cause of subsidence of a restaurant with a veranda in a brick house with a facing near Belgorod. The homeowner was worried that the entire building would need major repairs with partial dismantling of structures. Fortunately, after solving the main drainage problems, the house was re-leveled within a short period of time using Uretek technology, compared to the timing of replacement or other solutions.

          Seismic activity, such as earthquakes, can cause a temporary loss of ground stability, known as decompression, which can then lead to subsidence.

          Subsidence can also occur when nearby earthworks, tunneling, drilling, or piling cause vibration and ground movement, which affects the stability of the foundation base. Whether it's a neighbor building a pool, new pit developments in the area, or major infrastructure projects, it's important to understand the cause of drawdown to effectively address this problem. Uretek restoration solutions can usually be applied with minimal impact to protect the integrity of even the most fragile buildings, such as a Church or other cultural heritage building, where the foundations can often be affected by deep excavations during restoration or repair.

Request a free consultation with a geotechnical engineer to discuss your case and determine the options and solutions that are right for you

Subsidence of infrastructure objects can be caused by:

  • Poorly compacted soil
  • Extra loads
  • Breakdowns and accidents of engineering communications
  • Regular moisture and temperature fluctuations
  • Construction or pile work nearby
  • Influence of regular vibrations
  • Biological processes in the soil
  • Seismic activity
  • Heterogeneous soil within the same object

As a result of contacting Uretek you will be able to:

  • Understand what is happening
  • Make a well-informed and balanced decision
  • Take control of the asset state
  • Increase the lifecycle of the property
  • Stop loss of asset value
  • Choose the most appropriate way to implement the solution
  • Get a reliable expert in building maintenance
 World wide brand since 1978
World wide brand since 1978
Warranty terms up-to 60 years
 International expertise and database of projects
International expertise and database of projects
Approved international technologies
Individual project and raw material design
Visual effect and approving results
Increasing value and lifecycle of your property
Ecologically neutral materials
What we guarantee:
Almost instant results
Selection and determination of a suitable solution together with the client
Only top brands of equipment and tools
Possibility of phased implementation of the project according to the schedule required by the client
Post-project monitoring and efficiency, if necessary, improvements. 24/7 communication
Parallel improvement of the characteristics of hydro, thermal and vibration insulation of structures
Completed projects, using uretek technology in Russia and the world

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Подъём и выравнивание просевшего участка в аэропорту без вмешательства в график движения транспорта

All works using URETEK technology are carried out:
  • In the presence of the customer
  • On a local site without excavation and excavation
  • Without dismantling equipment and stopping technological processes
  • At any time of the day and in any weather conditions
  • Fast, silent, no waste or debris
  • Warranty obligations include not only the absence of subsidence and destruction, but also the return to the design position
Efficiency and effectiveness

Efficiency and effectiveness


Extended minimum warranty terms


Fantastic productivity and speed


Quick material curing time


Accuracy at every stage of works

Examine the data on the cost and timing of work performed
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